The small village of Kanchipuram was in shock when a topless selfie video of a married woman went viral on social media. The woman, known as Priya, was a housewife and had never been involved in any scandal before. The video showed her seductively posing in front of the camera, her ample curves on full display. It was rumored that the video was taken by her lover, who was a local politician. The scandalous video quickly spread like wildfire, with people from neighboring villages also getting their hands on it. This incident has once again brought to light the dark side of small villages, where conservative values clash with modern technology. The video has also
Socks sparked a debate on the increasing trend of nahate hue sex videos and the impact it has on society. Some have even compared Priya's video to the infamous Kushboo blue film, which caused a similar uproar in the past. It remains to be seen how this scandal will affect the lives of those involved and the village as a whole.